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Vegetable Gardening - What to Plant in October

  • 1 min read

There’s still plenty to sow and plant out this month, even though nights are getting longer, and temperatures are getting lower.

Many people are surprised to know that you can grow salad in winter, very successfully, without needing too much space or even a greenhouse. It can be sown this month and grown this month, but will need protection from the cold weather and frosty nights - using Easy Seedling Tunnels or a Baby Victorian Bell Cloche.


Indoor Sowing

Herbs including dill, chives, basil, and parsley can still be grown now either on a windowsill or outside under protection. Vigoroot Easy Table Garden is perfect if you would rather grow outside. It has an integral self-watering system and poly protection cover to protect from frosts and cold weather.


Outdoor Sowing

Lamb’s lettuce is a very hardy winter salad which lasts well throughout the winter. It has a soft texture and mild flavor. Winter lettuce can be grown now for cropping in autumn and hardy varieties can be over-wintered to crop in early spring.

Onion sets, spring onion and cauliflower can be sown now, but again will need protection from frost, either in cold frames or cloches.

Now is the perfect time to directly sow garlic, as it enables the roots to develop before the cold weather sets in.

Spring cabbages can still be planted outside now and will be ready to harvest from February onwards.

Broad beans and winter-hardy pea varieties can be sown outdoors during October for cropping early next year.

Both rhubarb and asparagus crowns can be planted now in rich and fertile soil.

Enjoy your October planting!

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